Department of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory

Second stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad in mathematics

First stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad in mathematics

In 20 March 2013 NTU "KPI" held at the student's mathematical Olympiad. This event is held each year by Department of mathematical analysis and probability theory in the first phase of Ukrainian Student Olympiad in mathematics.

(View tasks  offered to students and their solutions.)

In this year's competition was attended by 350 students representing 20 institutions and faculties of our university. The most numerous commands sent Physical-Technical Institute, Department of Computer Science, Institute of Special Communication and Information Protection, Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information, Institute for Applied Systems analysis and the Faculty of Management and Marketing. Olympiad each year preceding the preparatory round of competition, which is open to all comers (in December of 2012 was more than 700).

According to the competition will be formed "KPI" teams to participate in the second round of the Ukrainian Olympiad in mathematics for students in higher education in Ukraine.

The Department of mathematical analysis and probability theory for many years successfully engaged in organizing mathematical competitions at our university and training of talented students to mathematical competitions at different levels. The department has student group "Nonstandard and Olympiad problems of algebra and analysis", whose members are only in the past five years, 28 times the winners of the most prestigious international and national competitions in mathematics.

Invaluable contribution to the Olympiad movement has a head of the Department Doctor of Sciences, Professor Valeriy Buldyhin who prematurely passed away in the spring of 2012. A scientist of world renown, one of the brightest representatives of the Ukrainian School of Mathematics, Valeriy more than a quarter century, leading the Department of mathematical analysis and probability theory. In recognition of his services in November, 2012 Academic Council of NTU "KPI" decided to establish Prize V. Buldyhina for the winners of contests.

See the results of Olympiad (in Ukrainian)